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A clean, elegant, beautiful and powerful admin template, based on Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia, NaiveUI and UnoCSS一款开箱即用的 Vue 中后台管理系统框架,旨在让开发者能够以最小的成本完成开发 降低开发量开箱即用的中后台框架/简化您的中后台开发A simple and flexible admin template based on Vue3, Vite, TypeScript, NaiveUIESP32 firmware to read and control EMS and Heatronic compatible equipment such as boilers, thermostats, solar modules, and heat pumpsmallchat的前端项目,是一个既能购物又能聊天的电商系统。a connector of JumpServer for secure connections using character protocols, supporting SSH, Telnet, Kubernetes, SFTP and database protocols5minutes is a mentor-mentee learning platform where mentors share content that is consumable in no more than 5minutes.Simple shopping cart with Vue.js and Deno.js一个在线的Latex协作平台,丰富的在线模板、便捷的在线编辑器、支持AI编辑、在线预览、丰富的公式工具集等