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Version: v3

Become a core team member

🤝🤝🤝 If you also agree with alovajs’ philosophy, then let us create the next generation request library together!


  1. Responsible for the development and maintenance of vscode plug-in projects, request scenario modules and adapter projects, as well as the Hongmeng version of alovajs.
  2. Write and optimize relevant development documents.
  3. In-depth participation in the entire life cycle of project design and implementation, promotion and maintenance.
  4. Participate in project development decision-making and commercialization exploration.


  1. With the title of core member, you have the opportunity to enhance your reputation in the front-end field, thereby broadening your career development path.
  2. More opportunities for public sharing and opportunities to contact more front-end personnel.
  3. Broaden project thinking and technical experience through in-depth participation in project design, implementation and operation.
  4. Decision-making power on projects.
  5. Profit sharing.


  1. Agree with alova’s design philosophy and development direction, and be willing to work hard to move forward together.
  2. Passion for technology, sense of responsibility, and teamwork.
  3. Technical capabilities only need to cover existing needs.
  4. Have some spare time.

How to join

If you are interested, please send an email to, and be sure to add alova core member application at the beginning of email.