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Version: v3


What is alova?

alova (pronounced /əˈləʊva/

) is an workflow-streamlined next-generation request tool that helps you extremely streamline API integration workflow.

It can streamline API integration workflow from 7 steps to 1 step. You only need to choose the API to use.

How to do it?

Core functions

alova provides basic request capabilities similar to axios. You can use it with any request library such as axios and fetch to get out-of-the-box features such as response caching and request sharing.

const response = await alova.Get('/api/user');

Request strategy

Based on the core functions of alova, it also provides a complete solution for complex request scenarios, which we call request strategy. With only one line of code, you can quickly implement various complex request logics, which can not only help you improve development efficiency, but also help you improve the running efficiency of the App and reduce the pressure on the server.

For example, useRequest can automatically manage the request states, loading/error/data is responsive data, which can be directly bound in the view in UI frameworks such as react, vue, and svelte, and these responsive data will be automatically maintained according to the request states.

const { loading, error, data } = useRequest(alova.Get('/api/user'));

Here is another pagination request strategy, which includes responsive states, actions, events, and when page/pageSize changes, it will automatically trigger a request with different parameters.

const {
// states

// actions

// events
} = usePagination((page, size) =>
alova.Get('/api/user/list', {
params: { page, size }

alova provides 15+ request strategy modules based on the RSM specification, which are implemented in the form of useHook.

Alova editor extension

Using the alova extension in vscode can help you automatically generate request codes with complete API document annotations and response types. Whether it is a ts project or a js project, you can get complete interface queries, interface details, and smart prompts for response data types.

This extension also optimizes the API usage process, allowing you to experience a different API integration experience. In the past, you needed to query the API documentation first, and constantly switch between the API documentation and the editor to write request code. After using the alova plug-in, you no longer need to leave the editor and can directly use the API in the editor while checking.

For a detailed introduction to the alova plug-in, please refer to Integrated Editor Extension.

Is there any difference?

Unlike other request libraries, alova aims to make requests very simple and maintain more efficient data interaction.

We consider both developers and App users. For developers, alova provides them with the ultimate user experience, and for application users, they can enjoy the smooth experience brought by alova's high-performance data interaction.

In addition, let's take a look at the specific features:

  • Similar API design to Axios, which makes the user's learning cost lower;
  • High-performance client and server request strategies make the application smoother;
  • High flexibility, Alova's adapter allows Alova to work with any UI framework in any JS environment, and provides a unified user experience and perfect code migration;
  • 2 cache modes and request sharing mechanisms to improve request performance and reduce server pressure;
  • High aggregation organization of API code, each API's request parameters, cache behavior, response data conversion, etc. will be gathered in the same code block, which is a great advantage for managing a large number of APIs;

You can also check Comparison with other request libraries to learn more about the differences of Alova.

Run in any JS environment

Not only that, Alova is very flexible, you can use it with different request tools in any of the following JS environments (the gray part will be gradually supported in the future).

Online trial

Migration Guide

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Before contributing, please be sure to read the Contribution Guide in detail to ensure your effective contribution.

Let's start

Next, we will start with the simplest request, then explain the request strategy, understand how alova simplifies your work, and then go into the advanced guide and the best practices summarized in actual projects.

Let’s start learning alova!