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Version: v3


What is alova?

Alova (pronounced as /əˈləʊva/

) is a workflow-streamlined next-generation request tool. It can extremely streamline your API integration workflow from 7 steps to 1 step, and you just select the API what you need.

Different from @tanstack/react-request, swrjs, ahooks's useRequest, etc. library, alova is a comprehensive request tool, alova makes your request integration very simple and maintains more efficient Client-Server data interaction. In addition, you can use it in client and server environments (including SSR).

You can read the backstory on why create alova, and we've also provided a detailed comparison to other request libraries to see how alova differs.

In addition, alova also has the following features:

  • API design similar to axios, with lower learning cost;
  • High-performance client and server request strategies, making the application smoother;
  • High flexibility, alova can be used in any js environment with any UI framework, and provides a unified user experience and perfect code migration;
  • Multi-level cache mode and request sharing mechanism to improve request performance and reduce server-side pressure;
  • High aggregation of api code organization, the request parameters, cache behavior, response data conversion, etc. of each API will be gathered in the same code block, which is a great advantage for managing a large number of APIs;

How to do it?

Alova provides a comprehensive solution for complex request scenarios, which we call request strategy. they include client request strategies and server request strategies.

Client request strategy

On the client side, request strategies are implemented in the form of hooks, interceptors, and middleware. Use different request strategies to handle different requests scenarios. They provide comprehensive stateful parameters, events, and actions for each request scenario. With just one line of code to quickly implement various complex request logics, which can not only help you improve development efficiency, but also help you improve the running efficiency of the App, and reduce the pressure on the server.

The following are some clients For an introduction and examples of request strategies, please expand them which you are interested in.

Watching request strategy

The Watching request strategy is used in scenarios where re-requests are made as data changes, such as fuzzy search, tab bar switching, etc.

const {
// Responsive states

// Events

// actions

// ...
} = useWatcher(
() =>
alova.Get('/api/user', {
params: {
type: activeTab

See Watcher Request Strategy for details.

Pagination request strategy

The pagination request strategy helps you quickly implement comprehensive paging data request scenarios, including page turning, conditional query, pre-fetching of next page data, insert/replac/remov data items, refresh and reset list.

const {
// Responsive states

// Events

// Actions

// ...
} = usePagination(
(page, size) =>
alova.Get('/api/user/list', {
params: { page, size }
preloadNextPage: true,
watchingStates: [username, sex],
debounce: 500

See Pagination Request Strategy for details.

Token authentication strategy

Token authentication strategy provides global interceptors that can help you maintain all the codes of token authentication, including login, logout, token attachment, token refresh, etc., and supports seamless token refresh.

const { onAuthRequired, onResponseRefreshToken } = createServerTokenAuthentication({
refreshTokenOnError: {
isExpired: res => res.status === 401,
refrshTokenOnError: async () => {
const { token, refresh_token } = await refreshToken();
localStorage.setItem('token', token);
localStorage.setItem('refresh_token', refresh_token);
const alovaInstance = createAlova({
beforeRequest: onAuthRequired(),
responded: onResponseRefreshToken()

See Token Authentication Interceptor for details.

Form submission strategy

Through the form submission strategy, you can quickly implement form drafts and multi-page (multi-step) forms. In addition, it also provides common functions such as form reset.

const {
// Responsive states
loading: submiting,

// Events

// Actions
send: submit,

// ...
} = useForm(formData => alova.Post('/user/profile', formData), {
initialForm: {
name: '',
age: '',
avatar: null
resetAfterSubmiting: true,
store: true

See Form Submission Strategy for details.

Data Fetching Strategy

By fetching necessary data in advance, users no longer need to wait for the data to load, thus improving the user experience.

const {
// Response states

// Events

// actions

// ...
} = useFetcher();

const handleItemClick = itemId => {
alova.Get('/ api/user/detail', {
params: {
id: itemId

See Data Fetching Strategy for details.

Seamless Data interaction Strategy

Seamless data interaction means that when users interact with an application, relevant content can be displayed immediately without waiting, or the results of operations can be displayed without waiting when submitting information, just like interacting with local data. This greatly improves the smoothness of the application and prevents users from noticing the lag caused by data transmission.

const {
// Responsive states

// Events

// Actions
send: submit,

// ...
} = useSQRequest(() => alova.Get('/api/todo/add'), {
behavior: 'silent',
queue: 'queue-demo',
silentDefaultResponse: () => {
return {
id: '--'

See Seamless Data Interaction for details.

Cross-component request triggering middleware

Cross-component request triggering middleware can help you eliminate the limitations of component levels and quickly trigger any request actions in any component.

useRequest(alova.Get('/api/todo/list'), {
// ...
middleware: actionDelegationMiddleware('action:todoList')

See Cross-component request trigger for details.

Captcha strategy

Quickly implement captcha sending.

const mobile = ref('');
const {
// Responsive states
loading: sending,

// Events

// Actions

// ...
} = useCaptcha(
() =>
alova.Post('/api/captcha', {
mobile: mobile
initialCountdown: 60

See Verification code strategy for details.

alova provides total 15+ client request strategies based on the RSM specification. Please refer Request Strategy List to see all client request strategies.

Server Request Strategy

alova can not only be used in server environments such as nodejs/deno/bun, but also provides server request strategies such as request retry, calling API to send captcha, request rate limit, etc. We call them server hooks, which all support cluster mode.

A simplest server request example is as follows:

const response = await alova.Get('/api/user');

You can decorate the request function with server hooks to get corresponding features. It's so simple.

const response = await serverHookFunction(alova.Get('/api/user'));

The following are introductions and examples of several server-side request strategies. please expand them which you are interested in.

Request Retry strategy

Retry the request if it fails.

const response = await retry(alova.Get('/api/user'), {
retry: 5

See Request retry strategy for details.

Request Rate Limit Strategy

Limit the number of requests within a certain period of time, support cluster mode.

const limit = createRateLimiter({
points: 4,
duration: 60 * 1000
const orderRes = await limit(alova.Get('/api/order'));

See Request Rate Limit Strategy for details.

More modern openAPI solution

  1. alova's devtools can generate API calling code, as well as TypeScript types and detailed documentation for each API, so you can enjoy full API type hints even in JavaScript projects.
  1. In the past, when the backend developer delivered the API to you, you had to open the intermediate API docs to query and copy the key information into your project, and you had to constantly switch between the intermediate API docs and your editor. But now, alova's devtools can eliminate the intermediate API docs for you, shortening the collaboration distance between the frontend and the backend like a wormhole. Through it, you can quickly find the required API in the editor and display the comprehensive document of this API, and quickly comprehensive parameter transfer by referring to the API parameter table, giving you a different API integration experience.

For a detailed introduction to alova devtools, please refer to Integrated Editor Extension.

Building Client-Server Interaction Layer

With the various features of alova, you can also build a Client-Server interaction layer(CSIL) for your project. The CSIL will distribute response data to various components by merging same requests. Additionally, the CSIL also manages response data and the responsive states created by useHooks. You can access and modify the datas in CSIL in any UI component, as well as refresh the data in CSIL.

If you want to build a CSIL, please refer to Building Client-Server Interaction Layer

Run in any JS environment

Not only that, Alova is very flexible, you can use it with different request tools in any of the following JS environments (the gray part will be gradually supported in the future).

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Let's get started

Next, we will start with the simplest request, then explain the request strategy, understand how alova simplifies your work, and then go into the advanced guide and the best practices summarized in actual projects.

Let’s start learning alova!