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Version: v3

Fetch Adapter

The fetch adapter is a predefined request adapter for alova, through which you can use all the functions of the fetch API.


Set the request adapter to the fetch adapter

import { createAlova } from 'alova';
import adapterFetch from 'alova/fetch';

const alovaInst = createAlova({
requestAdapter: adapterFetch()
// ...

Configuration items

When creating a method instance, you can pass in any parameters supported by the fetch API, which will be passed to the fetch function when requesting.

alovaInstance.Get('/todo/list', {
// ...
credentials: 'same-origin',
referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer',
mode: 'cors'

When the above method instance is sent through fetch, it will be requested with the following parameters.

fetch('/todo/list', {
// ...
credentials: 'same-origin',
referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer',
mode: 'cors'

The request body of the fetch API supports passing string | FormData | Blob | ArrayBuffer | URLSearchParams | ReadableStream parameters.