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Developing Guidelines

version required

Node.js 16+, npm 8+

1. Fork repository

Open alova fork page, click "Create fork" and clone the forked repository to local.

2. Clone to local

Use the git clone command line, or the Github Desktop application to clone forked project.

3. New pull request

You can create pull request through a forked repo after writing code. You can also commit code in arbitrary batches, without commiting a complete code.

4. Code something in your computer

Install dependencies

Install dependencies using npm install.

If you are using vscode, it is recommended that you install the following plugins:

  • eslint: check code quality.
  • prettier: formatting code.
  • jest: Automatically execute unit test cases, and execute individual collection or unit test cases.
  • EditorConfig: Make sure the file format is consistent.

Project Structure

| |-ISSUE_TEMPLATE -> github issues template
| |-workflows -> github action
|-.husky -> husky configuration
|-.vscode -> vscode configuration
|-config -> rollup package files
|-src -> source code
|-test -> unit test suits
| |-browser -> browser environment unit test suits
| |-server -> SSR unit test suits
| |-components -> Unit test components
| |-mockServer.ts -> mock apis (msw)
|-typings -> ts declaration
|- Other configuration files

Coding specifications

Code format

If you install the prettier plugin, it will automatically format codes every time you save files, so you don't have to worry about the format.

Minimize code

Lightweight is one of the alova's features, so it is necessary to minimize the amount of coding when coding. Here are a few coding specifications that need to be followed:

  1. Avoid the same code block, which can reduce the amount of code in the library, but two lines of code may not be worth encapsulating;
  2. Use a variable declarator to aggregate variable declarations, for example:
// ❌
const a = 1;
const b = 2;

// ✅
const a = 1,
b = 2;
  1. Use constants to save js built-in values and prototype methods to reduce the amount of code in the compilation phase of uglify. built-in values and prototype methods that often used are defined in src/utils/variables.ts.
// ❌
if (a === false) {
arr.forEach(item => {

// ✅
import { falseValue, forEach } from '@/utils/variables';
if (a === falseValue) {
forEach(arr, item => {

5. Unit Testing Guidelines

After finish code, it is necessary to add corresponding unit tests.

The alova project uses jest as the unit test framework, and msw as the mock server. It is recommended to use the TDD mode. After modifying code every time, please pass the corresponding unit test.


When you're ready to commit your code, make sure all your unit tests are passed. When you're working on a pull request, you can have multiple small commits, and GitHub can automatically squash them before merging them.

  1. To add browser-related unit test cases, please add them to the corresponding test collection in test/browser, if there is no suitable test suits, you can create one by yourself;
  2. Add SSR-related unit test cases, please add them to the corresponding test collection in test/server, if there is no suitable test suits, you can create one by yourself;

Run and debug a single unit test or suits

It is recommended to use the jest plugin (one of the plugins recommended above) to test a single use case or a suit. You can right-click the specified unit test, select Run Test to run it, and select Debug Test to debug it with breakpoint.


Run all unit tests

  1. Use the jest plugin to run:


  1. Run the browser unit tests with command line npm run test:browser, run the SSR unit tests with npm run test:node, and run both at the same time with npm run test.

6. Commit codes

alova uses semantic-release as an automatic release tool, which can automatically release new version packages after merging code into main , and generate CHANGELOG, but you need to ensure that the committed message format follows commit information convention, it is recommended that use npm run commit to automatically generate a git message that conforms to the specification.

7. Writing docs

If you are adding a new feature, you can try to add the relevant documentation of the new feature. For details, please read Correcting or add docs, otherwise please explain it in the pull request.