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Version: v3

XMLHttpRequest Adapter


npm install @alova/adapter-xhr --save


create alova

Use xhrRequestAdapter as request adapter for alova.

import { createAlova } from 'alova';
import { xhrRequestAdapter } from '@alova/adapter-xhr';

const alovaInst = createAlova({
requestAdapter: xhrResponseAdapter()


The XMLHttpRequest adapter provides basic configuration parameters, including responseType, withCredentials, mimeType, auth, as follows:

<div v-if="loading">Loading...</div>
<div>The request data is: {{ data }}</div>

<script setup>
const list = () =>
alovaInst. Get('/list', {
* Set the response data type
* Can be set to change the response type. Values are: "arraybuffer", "blob", "document", "json" and "text"
* defaults to "json"
responseType: 'text',

* True when credentials are to be included in cross-origin requests. false when they are excluded from cross-origin requests and when cookies are ignored in their responses. Default is false
withCredentials: true,

* Set the mimeType of the response data
mimeType: 'text/plain; charset=x-user-defined',

* auth means use HTTP Basic authentication and provide credentials.
* This will set an `Authorization` header, overriding any existing
* Custom headers for `Authorization` set using `headers`.
* Note that only HTTP Basic authentication can be configured via this parameter.
* For Bearer tokens etc., use the `Authorization` custom header instead.
auth: {
username: 'name1',
password: '123456'
const { loading, data } = useRequest(list);


Use FormData to upload files, and this FormData instance will be sent to the server through xhr.send. It will be set Content-Type automatically, you don't need to custom it with multipart/form-data.

const uploadFile = imageFile => {
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('file', imageFile);
return alovaInst.Post('/uploadImg', formData);

const {
send: sendUpload
} = useRequest(uploadFile, {
immediate: false

// Picture selection event callback
const handleImageChoose = ({ target }) => {


Point the request url to the file address to download.

const downloadFile = () =>
alovaInst.Get('/bigImage.jpg', {
responseType: 'blob'

const { loading, data, downloading, send, onSuccess } = useRequest(downloadFile, {
immediate: false
onSuccess(({ data: imageBlob }) => {
// download image
const anchor = document.createElement('a');
anchor.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob); = 'image.jpg';;
const handleImageDownload = () => {

Mock request adapter compatible

When developing applications, we may still need to use simulated requests. Only by default, the response data of Mock Request Adapter (@alova/mock) is a Response instance, which is compatible with the alova/fetch request adapter by default. When using the XMLHttpRequest adapter, we You need to adapt the response data of the mock request adapter to the XMLHttpRequest adapter. In this case, you need to use the xhrMockResponse exported in the @alova/adapter-xhr package as the response adapter.

import { defineMock, createAlovaMockAdapter } from '@alova/mock';
import { xhrRequestAdapter, xhrMockResponse } from '@alova/adapter-xhr';

const mocks = defineMock({

// mock data request adapter
export default createAlovaMockAdapter([mocks], {
// After specifying the request adapter, requests that do not match the simulated interface will use this adapter to send requests
httpAdapter: xhrRequestAdapter(),

// Use xhrMockResponse to adapt the simulated data to the XMLHttpRequest adapter
onMockResponse: xhrMockResponse

export const alovaInst = createAlova({
// Control whether to use the simulated request adapter through environment variables
requestAdapter: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? mockAdapter : xhrRequestAdapter()


The XMLHttpRequest request adapter provides complete type adaptation.

method configuration

When creating a method instance, in addition to the common configuration items in the method, you can also use the configuration items in AlovaXHRRequestConfig.

* xhr request configuration parameters
interface AlovaXHRRequestConfig {
* Set the response data type.
* Can be set to change the response type. Values are: "arraybuffer", "blob", "document", "json", and "text".
* Setting 1: If the current global object is not a Window object, the setting to "document" is ignored.
* Setup 2: Throw an "InvalidStateError" DOMException if the state is loading or complete.
* Setting 3: Throws an "InvalidAccessError" DOMException if the sync flag is set and the current global object is a Window object.
* @default "json"
responseType?: XMLHttpRequestResponseType;

* True when credentials are to be included in cross-origin requests. false when they are excluded from cross-origin requests and when cookies are ignored in their responses. The default is false.
* An 'InvalidStateError' DOMException is thrown if the state is not sent or not opened, or if the send() flag is set.
* @default false
withCredentials?: boolean;

* Set the mimeType of the response data
mimeType?: string;

* `auth` indicates that HTTP Basic authentication should be used, and credentials are provided.
* This will set an `Authorization` header, overriding any existing
* Custom headers for `Authorization` set using `headers`.
* Note that only HTTP Basic authentication can be configured via this parameter.
* For Bearer tokens etc., use the `Authorization` custom header instead.
auth?: {
username: string;
password: string;

Response data

XMLHttpRequest adapter response data is as follows:

interface AlovaXHRResponseHeaders {
[x: string]: any;
interface AlovaXHRResponse<T = any> {
status: number;
statusText: string;
data: T;
headers: AlovaXHRResponseHeaders;