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Version: v3

Form submiting strategy

strategy type

use hook

Before using extension hooks, make sure you are familiar with the basic usage of alova.

A hook designed for form submission. Through this hook, you can easily implement form drafts and multi-page (multi-step) forms. In addition, it also provides common functions such as form reset.


  • draft form;
  • Multi-page (multi-step) forms;
  • Form submission automatically resets data;
  • Reset form data manually;


Basic usage

Demonstrates basic use of form hooks.

<input v-model="" />
<select v-model="form.cls">
<option value="1">class 1</option>
<option value="2">class 2</option>
<option value="3">class 3</option>

<script setup>
import { formSubmit } from './api.js';
import { useForm } from 'alova/client';

const {
// submit status
loading: submitting,

// Responsive form data, the content is determined by initialForm

// submit data function
send: submit,

// Submit successful callback binding

// Submit failure callback binding

// Submit completed callback binding
} = useForm(
formData => {
// Form data can be converted and submitted here
return formSubmit(formData);
// Initialize form data
initialForm: {
name: '',
cls: '1'

// submit form data
const handleSubmit = () => {
// Validate form data...

useForm will not request by default, and the request will be sent after calling send. At the same time, the callback function of useForm will pass in the latest form data. If you need to convert the data before submitting, you can convert it here, or Can be converted in the formSubmit function.

  1. initialForm is to set the initial form data, initialData is to set the initial response data, pay attention to the distinction;
  2. updateForm is to update the form data, and update is to update the response data, pay attention to the distinction;

The above example only shows a simple form submission function, there is no difference between ordinary form submissions, but useForm also implements more practical functions, let us continue to look down.

Submit auto reset form

Many times, we need to reset the form data after the form is submitted. We always need to manually reassign values one by one when implementing it ourselves, and useForm can help us do it automatically.

useForm(submitData, {
// Set this parameter to true to automatically reset the form data after submission
resetAfterSubmitting: true

If you need to manually reset the form data, you can also do it by calling the reset function.

const {
// form reset function
} = useForm(submitData, {

const handleReset = () => {

Update form data

When editing a form, we need to display the data of the original form. At this time, we can use updateForm to asynchronously update the form data.

const {
// ...
} = useForm(submitData, {
// ...
//Initialize form data
initialForm: {
name: '',
cls: '1'

// Request form data and update it to the form
const { onSuccess } = useRequest(getData);
onSuccess(({ data }) => {
cls: data.cls

Form draft

useForm also provides a form draft function, even if the page is refreshed before the data is reset, the form data can be restored. The principle is to use the storage adapter on the alova instance to persist the form data. You only need to set store to true when using it.

useForm(submitData, {
// Turn on persistence to save data. After setting to true, uncommitted data will be persisted in real time
store: true

Before the data is persisted, JSON.stringify will be called to convert it into a JSON string. By default, the form data will be serialized when it is persisted. useForm has built-in Date and RegExp instances , which will be useful when using timepickers.

In the form data only involves Date and RegEYou don’t need to do more for xp instances, but if there are other non-JSON data, such as moment instances, we need to customize the serializer, but don’t worry, the custom serializer is very simple, the following will show the settings A moment serializer.

import moment from 'moment';
const momentSerializer = {
// forward is called when serializing
// Need to judge whether it is a moment instance, if it is not the target value, return undefined, indicating that it will not be processed
forward: data => moment.isMoment(data) ? data.valueOf() : undefined,

// backward is called during deserialization, data is the value returned in forward
backward: timestamp => moment(timestamp);

store: {
enable: true,
serializers: {
moment: momentSerializer

Multi-page/multi-step forms

Many times we encounter situations where form items are divided into multiple pages, or filled in multiple steps, and submitted in a unified manner at the end, such as multi-step user registration, questionnaire filling, etc., and forms with multiple steps may have interdependence Relationship, if realized by itself will bring some trouble. And useForm realizes form data sharing, you can get the same form data in different pages or components, which solves the problem of multi-step form data dependence, and does not need to summarize form data when submitting, and can submit directly.

When using, you need to set the id through useForm, and you can share the same form data between different pages with the same id. For example, we have a form that needs to go through 3 steps to fill out the form, and they will go through component A, component B, and component C respectively.

Component A -> Component B -> Component C

At this point, we can initialize the form data inside component A:

const returnStates = useForm(submitData, {
initialForm: {
step1Input: '',
step2Input: '',
step3Input: ''
id: 'testForm'
const { form, send } = returnStates;

In component B and component C, you can get the shared data by specifing the same id in component A.

const returnStates = useForm(submitData, {
id: 'testForm'
const { form, send } = returnStates;

The returnStates returned by id in components B and C are the same reference as the returnStates in component A. You can use the same form, or you can call send in any component to submit the form data uniformly.


If your multi-step form is not in a certain order, but in random order according to certain conditions, for example:

# possible order 1
Component B -> Component A -> Component C

# possible order 2
Component A -> Component C -> Component B

# possible order 3
Component C -> Component A -> Component B


In this case, you can set the same useForm config as component A in component B and C.

const returnStates = useForm(submitData, {
initialForm: {
step1Input: '',
step2Input: '',
step3Input: ''
id: 'testForm'

In this way, no matter which component is rendered first, the form with the id of testForm can be initialized, and the subsequent components will first use the initialized form data when encountering the id of testForm, and will not initialize again. This way you can initialize form data inside any component.

Conditional filter

useForm can also be used in the filtering form used in data filtering scenarios, for example, if you want to search city information by city name, you can set immediate=true, it will start querying data at initialization, and then In the operation, call send to repeatedly query the data.

const { send: searchData } = useForm(queryCity, {
initialForm: {
cityName: ''
immediate: true
Conditional Restrictions

In conditional filtering scenarios, useForm is more suitable for non-paginated list conditional queries. If you need to perform conditional queries in paginated lists, it is recommended to use Pagination Request Strategy (usePagination).


Hook configuration

Inherit all configurations from useRequest.

initialForminitial form dataany--
idform id, the data data of the same id is the same reference, which can be used to share the same form data in multi-page forms. Single page form does not need to specify idstring | number--
storeWhether to save data persistently, after setting to true, uncommitted data will be persisted in real timeboolean | StoreDetailConfig | false-
resetAfterSubmitingreset data after submissionbooleanfalse-

Responsive data

Inherit all responsive data from useRequest.

formform data,determined by initialFormany-


enableWhether to enable persistent databooleanrequired-
serializersA collection of custom serializers, built-in serializers:
1. The date serializer is used to convert dates
2. The regexp serializer is used to convert regular expressions
Yes Override the built-in serializer by setting the serializer with the same name
Record<string | number, DataSerializer>--


forwardSerialization function, when serializing in forward, it needs to judge whether it is the specified data, and return the converted data, otherwise return undefined or not return(data: any) => any | undefined | voidrequired-
backwarddeserialization function, deserialization data directly(data: any) => any | undefined | voidrequired-

Action function

Inherit all action functions of useRequest.

namedescriptionfunction parametersreturn valueversion
updateFormUpdate one or more form datanewForm: Partial<F> | (oldForm: F) => F)
F is initialForm type
resetReset to initialized data, if there is persistent data, it will also be cleared---


Inherit all events from useRequest.

NameDescriptionCallback ParametersVersion
onRestoreTriggered after the persistent data is restored--