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Version: v3

Auto Manage States

Strategy type

use hook

useRequest indicates the sending of a request. By default, a request will be sent when it is called. In enterprise-level projects, it is very important to display the data transmission status in the view. When the page obtains initial data or submits data, useRequest is one of the most commonly used use hooks.


Its basic usage has been introduced in detail in Basic - Combining UI Framework.

Set initial data

data defaults to undefined before the request is successful, but sometimes we need data to have an initial value before the request is successful. For example, when requesting a list, it usually needs to be initialized to [], otherwise it will cause an error when rendering the view because it cannot be looped.

const { data } = useRequest(todoListGetter, {
// Initial value of data before request response
initialData: []

You can also set initialData to a function to dynamically set the initial value. For example, if you don't want the Loading icon to be displayed every time the app is entered and want to use old data instead, you can return the old data as the initial value, which provides a better experience than Loading.

const { data, loading, error } = useRequest(todoListGetter, {
initialData() {
// Set the last response data
const storedData = localStorage.getItem('placeholder-data');
return JSON.parse(storedData || '{}');

// Also use alova's level2 storage adapter
// return alovaInst.l2cache.get('placeholder-data');
}).onSuccess(({ data, method }) => {
// Save response data
localStorage.setItem('placeholder-data', JSON.stringify(data));

// Also use alova's level2 storage adapter
// alovaInst.l2cache.set('placeholder-data', data);

Do not send request immediately

Set immediate to false to avoid immediate request.

const { data } = useRequest(todoListGetter, {
immediate: false

Force request

Force request refers to a mechanism that bypasses cache check to trigger request sending, which is useful when you need to get the latest data under certain conditions.

useRequest(todoListGetter, {
force: true

It can also be set to a function. When the function return value is true, the request is forced.

useRequest(todoListGetter, {
force: ({ method, args }) => {
return !!args[0];

Send request manually

Set the first parameter of useRequest to a function.

const {
// ...
// Function for manual sender request, call to send request
// Parameters of send function will be received here
} = useRequest(newTodo => alovaInstance.Post('/todo', newTodo), {
// When immediate is false, it is not sent by default
immediate: false

/* todo data */

The send function allows you to freely repeat the request.

In react, the send function is wrapped with useCallback, and it is not restricted by closure traps. You can use it directly in events without worrying about performance issues.

In useRequest and useWatcher, we can call the send function to manually trigger requests. When the send function triggers a request, you can pass in any number of parameters, which can actually be received in the following 3 locations.

Calling send supports passing in any number of parameters, which can be received in the following 3 locations.

Received in method handler

When their first parameter is set to a callback function, it can be received, which is usually useful when deleting list items, as follows:

const { send } = useRequest(id =>
// id will receive 1

Received in event callback function

Received in the event callback function through event.args, which is an array containing all the parameters of the send function.

const { send, onSuccess, onError, onComplete } = useRequest(newTodo =>
alovaInstance.Post('/todo', newTodo)
onSuccess(event => {
// args value is [1]
onError(event => {
// args value is [1]
onComplete(event => {
// args value is [1]

// Send request

Received in force function

force is used to specify whether to penetrate the response cache. The content about response cache will be explained in the cache mode later.

const { send } = useRequest(alovaInstance.Get('/todo'), {
force: event => {
return event.args[0];

Download and upload progress

Download and upload progress information can be obtained through downloading and uploading, and you can display the progress information directly in the view.

const { downloading } = useRequest(alovaInstance.Get('/todo/downloadfile'));
const { uploading } = useRequest(alovaInstance.Get('/todo/uploadingfile'));

The data format of downloading and uploading is as follows:

export type Progress = {
total: number;
loaded: number;

Abort request

Use useHook to receive abort for manual abort request.

const {
// ...
// abort function is used to interrupt the request
} = useRequest(todoListGetter);


Additional managed states

Set additional managed states, which can be updated across components. For details, please refer to Additional managed states.


The useRequest middleware can control almost all behaviors of a request, for example, you can use it to block requests.

let allowRequest = false;
useRequest(todoListGetter, {
middleware(ctx, next) {
if (!allowRequest) {
return next();

For details, please refer to In-depth Client-Middleware.


Please refer to API-useRequest.