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Version: v3

request by server-send events

strategy type

use hook

Before using extension hooks, make sure you are familiar with the basic usage of alova.

A use hook that can automatically retry a request failure, you can use it for important requests.


  • Simpler and easier-to-use usage.
  • Automatic connection management.


import { useSSE } from 'alova/client';

const method = (value: string) => alova.Get('/api/source', { param: { key: value } });
const { data, eventSource, readyState, onMessage, onError, on, send, close } = useSSE(method, {
initialData: 'initial-data' // Data initially in `data`

// Connect

console.log(data.value); // Data is updated after receiving an event, by default it is `initialData`

// Corresponds to the `message` event of `eventsource`
const unbindMessage = onMessage(({ data }) => {

const unbindError = onError(({ error }) => {
console.error('sse error', error);

// Unbind when needed

Currently, useSSE can only connect to one source. This means that when attempting to connect to multiple targets, the previous connection will always be terminated.

const { data, eventSource, readyState, onMessage, onError, on, send, close } = useSSE(method);

send('value2'); // This will terminate the previous connection
send('value3'); // This will also terminate the previous connection

By default, no request is sent. However, by setting immediate = true, you can skip the manual send step.

const { data, eventSource, readyState, onMessage, onError, on, send, close } = useSSE(method, {
immediate: true

// codes here...

Binding Custom Events

const { data, readyState, onMessage, on } = useSSE(method);

on('event-name', ({ data }) => {

Global Response Interception

By default, the response data is captured by the global response interceptors. If this is not the desired behavior, you can manually disable it.

const { data, readyState, onMessage, on } = useSSE(method, {
interceptByGlobalResponded: false // Now the data will not be intercepted by the response interceptor

Type Declaration

const enum SSEHookReadyState {
OPEN = 1,

type SSEHookConfig = {
* Passed to new EventSource
withCredentials?: boolean;

* Whether to be intercepted by the global responded interceptor of Alova instance
* @default true
interceptByGlobalResponded?: boolean;

* Initial data
initialData?: any;

* Whether to initiate the request immediately
* @default false
immediate?: boolean;

type SSEReturnType<S, Data> = {
readyState: ExportedType<SSEHookReadyState, S>;
data: ExportedType<Data | undefined, S>;
eventSource: ExportedType<EventSource | undefined, S>;
* Manually initiate the request. When `immediate: true` is used, this method is triggered automatically.
* @param args Request parameters passed to the method
send: (...args: any[]) => Promise<void>;
* Close the connection
close: () => void;
* Register a callback function for the EventSource 'open' event
* @param callback Callback function
* @returns Function to unregister the callback
onOpen(callback: SSEOnOpenTrigger): () => void;

* Register a callback function for the EventSource 'message' event
* @param callback Callback function
* @returns Function to unregister the callback
onMessage<T = Data>(callback: SSEOnMessageTrigger<T>): () => void;

* Register a callback function for the EventSource 'error' event
* @param callback Callback function
* @returns Function to unregister the callback
onError(callback: SSEOnErrorTrigger): () => void;

* @param eventName Event name, defaults to 'open' | 'error' | 'message'
* @param handler Event handler
eventName: string,
handler: (event: AlovaSSEMessageEvent<S, E, R, T, RC, RE, RH>) => void
) => () => void;