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Version: v3

Cache Operations


Actively invalidate the cache.

Go to Manually Invalidate Cache for details.

  • Type
function invalidateCache(matcher?: Method | Method[]): Promise<void>;
  • Parameter
  1. matcher: method instance or array for cache invalidation.
  • Return

Promise Example

  • Example
import { invalidateCache } from 'alova';

await invalidateCache(method);
await invalidateCache([method1, method2]);
const methodSnapshots = alova.snapshots.match('method-name');
await invalidateCache(methodSnapshots);


Set the response cache.

Go to Cache Update and Lookup for details.

  • Type
function setCache(
matcher: Method | Method[],
dataOrUpdater: R | ((oldCache: R) => R | undefined | void),
options?: CacheSetOptions
): Promise<void>;
  • Parameter
  1. matcher: value is method instance or instance array.
  2. dataOrUpdater: cache data or update function. If it is a function, it needs to return the new cache data. If it returns undefined or does not return, the update is canceled.
  3. options: Configuration parameters
Parameter nameTypeDescription
policy'l1' | 'l2' | 'all'Cache update policy, l1 means only updating the l1 layer cache, l2 means only updating the l2 layer cache, and all means updating both the l1 and l2 layers cache.
  • Return

Promise instance

  • Example
import { setCache } from 'alova';

await setCache(method, {});

await setCache([method1, method2], {});

const methodSnapshots = alova.snapshots.match('method-name');

await setCache(
policy: 'l1'


Query cache.

Go to Cache Update and Lookup for details.

  • Type
function queryCache(
matcher?: Method,
options?: CacheQueryOptions
): Promise<Responded | undefined>;
  • Parameter
  1. matcher: The value is a method instance, a method name string, or a method name regular expression. It can also be set to a method matcher. The cache data will be queried for the first method instance that meets the conditions.
  2. options: Configuration parameters
Parameter nameTypeDescription
policy'l1' | 'l2' | 'all'Cache acquisition strategy, l1 means only obtaining the l1 layer cache, l2 means only obtaining the l2 layer cache, and all means querying both the l1 and l2 layer caches.
  • Return

Promise instance of cache data, returns undefined if there is no cache.

  • Example
import { queryCache } from 'alova';

const responseCache = await queryCache(method);
const methodSnapshot = alova.snapshots.match('method-name', true);
const responseCache = await queryCache(methodSnapshot, {
policy: 'l2'