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Version: v2

method instance

A method instance corresponds to a request information description, which has the URL, request headers, request parameters of a request, as well as request behavior parameters such as response data processing and cache data processing. Through method instances, you can feel a unified usage experience in any js environment, and it can run normally with very few changes. In addition, method instances put request parameters and request behavior parameters together, making it easier for APIs management instead of spreading it across multiple code files.

PromiseLike attribute

After [v2.16.0], the method instance is a PromiseLike instance, which has then/catch/finally functions, so you can use it as follows:

// Call the then function of method
method.then(res => {

// catch exception
method.catch(e => {

//Request completion call
method.finally(() => {
console.log('Request completed');

In addition, requests can also be sent through the await method.

new Method()

Create a custom method instance.

  • type
interface MethodConstructor {
new (
type: 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE' | 'HEAD' | 'OPTIONS' | 'PATCH',
context: Alova,
url: string,
config?: AlovaMethodCreateConfig,
data?: Arg | string | FormData | Blob | ArrayBuffer | URLSearchParams | ReadableStream
): Method;
readonly prototype: Method;
  • Parameters
  1. type: request type
  2. context: alova instance
  3. url: request url
  4. config: Configuration parameters, the type is the same as config parameter type of alova.Get
  5. data: request body data
  • Example
import { Method } from 'alova';
import { alovaInstance } from './api';

const method = new Method('GET', alovaInstance, '/api/users', {
params: {
ID: 1


Get the key value of method. This key value is used as alova internal cache key.

  • type
function getMethodKey(method: Method): string;
  • Parameters
  1. method: method instance
  • return

The key value of the method instance passed in.

  • Example
import { getMethodKey } from 'alova';

const method = alova.Get('/api/users');
const methodKey = getMethodKey(method);


Obtain the requested method instance snapshot using the matching method of method instance matcher and return the matching result.

  • type
type MethodFilter =
| string
| RegExp
| {
name?: string | RegExp;
filter?: MethodFilterHandler;
alova?: Alova;
function matchSnapshotMethod(
matcher: MethodFilter,
matchAll?: boolean
): Method[] | Method | undefined;
  • Parameters
  1. matcher: method instance matcher
  2. matchAll: Whether to match all, the default is true
  • return

Returns an array of method instances when matchAll is true, otherwise returns a method instance or undefined

  • Example
import { matchSnapshotMethod } from 'alova';

await alova.Get('/api/users');
const snapshotMethod = matchSnapshotMethod({
name: 'user',
filter(method, i, methodArray) {
return method.url.includes('users');
alova: alova


Request header.

  • type
interface Method {
headers?: any;


The base path of the request, inherited from alova instance.

  • type
interface Method {
baseURL: string;


Create the url of the method instance.

  • type
interface Method {
url: string;


Request type.

  • type:
interface Method {
type: 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE' | 'HEAD' | 'OPTIONS' | 'PATCH';

Request body.

  • type
interface Method {
data?: any;


Create an alova instance of the current method.

  • type
interface Method {
context: Alova;


Hitting the source method instance, when the source method instance request succeeds, the cache of the current method instance will be invalidated. As an automatic invalidation function, you only need to set the hit source instead of manually calling invalidateCache to invalidate the cache. In addition, this function is more concise and effective than the invalidateCache method in complex invalidation relationships. The field value can be set to the name of the method instance, other method instances, name regular matching, or their array.

  • type
interface Method {
hitSource?: Method | string | RegExp | (Method | string | RegExp)[];


The metadata of method is used to record request feature information, View details.

  • type
interface Method {
meta?: any;


Configuration information when creating a method through alova.Get/alova.Post and other methods, View details.

  • type
interface Method {
config: AlovaMethodCreateConfig;


Is the response of current request from cache.

  • type
interface Method {
fromCache: boolean;


Use this method instance to send the request directly. If you send the request after [v2.16.0], you can omit calling this method.

  • type
interface Method {
send(forceRequest?: boolean): Promise<Response>;
  • Parameters
  1. forceRequest: whether to force the request, the default is false
  • return

A Promise instance with response data.

  • Example
const method = alova.Get('/api/users');
const response = await method.send();


Abort the current request.

  • type
interface Method {
abort(): void;
  • Example
const method = alova.Get('/api/users');


After [v2.16.0], the method instance is a PromiseLike instance. You can directly call this method or await method to send a request and obtain the response data.

  • type
interface Method {
onFulfilled?: (value: Response) => any,
onRejected?: (reason: any) => any
): Promise<Response>;
  • Parameters
  1. onFulfilled: callback function when the request is successful
  2. onRejected: callback function when the request fails
  • return

A Promise instance with response data.

  • Example
const method = alova.Get('/api/users');
const response = await method;


After [v2.16.0], the method instance is a PromiseLike instance. This method can be called directly to send requests and catch errors.

  • type
interface Method {
catch<TResult = never>(
onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>) | undefined | null
): Promise<Response | TResult>;
  • Parameters
  1. onrejected: callback function when request error
  • return

Promise instance.

  • Example
const method = alova.Get('/api/users');
const response = await method.catch(error => {
console.error('Request error');


After [v2.16.0], the method instance is a PromiseLike instance. This method can be called directly to send the request and handle the response completion.

  • type
interface Method {
finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): Promise<Response>;
  • return

Promise instance.

  • Example
const method = alova.Get('/api/users');
const response = await method.finally(() => {
console.log('Request completed');


Bind the download event to obtain download progress information.

  • type
interface Method {
onDownload(handler: ProgressHandler): () => void;
  • Parameters
  1. handler download event callback function
  • return

unbind function

  • Example
const method = alova.Get('/api/download_file');
const offEvent = method.onDownload(event => {
console.log('File size:',;
console.log('Downloaded:', event.loaded);



Bind the upload event to obtain upload progress information.

  • type
interface Method {
onUpload(handler: ProgressHandler): () => void;
  • Parameters
  1. handler upload event callback function
  • return

unbind function

  • Example
const method = alova.Get('/api/upload_file', formData);
const offEvent = method.onUpload(event => {
console.log('File size:',;
console.log('Uploaded:', event.loaded);



Set the name of the method instance.

  • type
interface Method {
setName(name: string | number): void;
  • Parameters
  1. name: the name of the method instance
  • return


  • Example
const method = alova.Get('/api/users', {
name: 'user'