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Version: v2

Custom Request Adapter

Remember how to create an Alova instance?

const alovaInstance = createAlova({
requestAdapter: GlobalFetch()

requestAdapter is a request adapter. Internal request sending and receiving will depend on the request adapter. GlobalFetch manages requests through fetch api. In most cases, we can use it. However, when alova When running in an environment where fetch api is not available (such as app, applet), it is necessary to replace a request adapter that supports the current environment.

So how should you customize a request adapter? Very simple, it is actually a function, which is called every time a request is made, and returns an object, which contains such things as url, method, data, headers, timeout, etc. Request related data sets. Although there are many fields, we only need to access the data we need.

Request adapter structure

The request adapter will receive request-related parameters and the currently requesting method instance, and return a set of response-related functions.

function CustomRequestAdapter(requestElements, methodInstance) {
// send request...
return {
async response() {
// ...return the response data
async headers() {
// Asynchronous function that returns response headers
abort() {
// Abort request, this function will be triggered when abort is called externally
onDownload(updateDownloadProgress) {
// Download progress information, internally call updateDownloadProgress continuously to update the download progress
onUpload(updateUploadProgress) {
// Upload progress information, internally call updateUploadProgress continuously to update the upload progress

Request parameter details


Relevant elements of the send request, including the following data.

interface RequestElements {
// request url, the get parameter is already included
readonly url: string;

// Request type, such as GET, POST, PUT, etc.
readonly type: MethodType;

// Request header information, object
readonly headers: Arg;

// request body information
readonly data?: RequestBody;


The method instance of the current request

Return parameter details

response (required)

An asynchronous function, the function returns the response value, which will be passed to the global response interceptor responded;

headers (required)

An asynchronous function, the response header object returned by the function will be passed to the transformData conversion hook function of the Method instance;

abort (required)

A common function, which is used for aborting request. All aborting requests will eventually call this function to execute;

onDownload (optional)

An ordinary function that receives a callback function that updates the download progress, and customizes the frequency of the progress update within this function, in this example simulating an update every 100 milliseconds. The updateDownloadProgress callback function receives two parameters, the first parameter is the total size, and the second parameter is the downloaded size;

onUpload (optional)

An ordinary function that receives a callback function that updates the upload progress, and customizes the frequency of the progress update within this function, in this example simulating an update every 100 milliseconds. The updateUploadProgress callback function receives two parameters, the first parameter is the total size, and the second parameter is the uploaded size;

XMLHttpRequest request adapter example

The following is an example of an adapter that sends requests through XMLHttpRequest, mainly to demonstrate how to write the adapter, the code is incomplete and cannot be run.

function XMLHttpRequestAdapter(requestElements, methodInstance) {
// Deconstruct the data that needs to be used
const { url, type, data, headers } = config;

// send request
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();, url);
for (const key in headers) {
xhr.setRequestHeader(key, headers[key]);
const responsePromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
xhr.addEventListener('load', event => {
// process response data
resolve(/* ... */);
xhr.addEventListener('error', event => {
// Handle request errors
reject(/* ... */);


return {
// Asynchronous function that returns response data
response: () => responsePromise,

// Asynchronous function that returns response headers
headers: () => responsePromise.then(() => xhr.getAllResponseHeaders()),
abort: () => {

// Download progress information, internally call updateDownloadProgress continuously to update the download progress
onDownload: updateDownloadProgress => {
xhr.addEventListener('progress', event => {
// data receiving progress
updateDownloadProgress(, event.loaded);

// Upload progress information, internally call updateUploadProgress continuously to update the upload progress
onUpload: updateUploadProgress => {
xhr.upload.onprogress = event => {
updateUploadProgress(, event.loaded);

More complete request adapter details can be found in GlobalFetch source code to understand.

Request adapter type

The types of the global beforeRequest, responded interceptors, and the configuration object when the Method instance is created will be automatically inferred based on the type provided by the request adapter. The following are the types of GlobalFetch.

import type { RequestElements, Method, ProgressUpdater } from 'alova';

export type GlobalFetch = () => (
elements: RequestElements,
method: Method<any, any, any, any, RequestInit, Response, Headers>
) => {
response: () => Promise<Response>,
headers: () => Promise<Headers>,
onDownload: (handler: ProgressUpdater) => void,
abort: () => void

Three types of values ​​of RC, RE and RH are specified in this type, so the type given by the request adapter will be automatically inferred in the global interceptor, method instance configuration and other places.

They are expressed as:

  • RC: Abbreviation of RequestConfig, request configuration object type
  • RH: Abbreviation of ResponseHeader, response header object type
  • RE: Abbreviation of Response, response type

If you are using GlobalFetch, their types will be inferred as:

  • RC: fetch api's request configuration object RequestInit;
  • RH: Response header object Headers;
  • RE: response object Response;

In order to facilitate the definition of the request adapter type, alova also provides an adapter type. You only need to pass in the RC/RE/RH generic parameters as needed.

import type { AlovaRequestAdapter } from 'alova';
type CustomRequestAdpater = AlovaRequestAdapter<any, any, RequestInit, Response, Headers>;