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Version: v2

Custom States Hook

Remember how to create an Alova instance?

const alovaInstance = createAlova({
statesHook: ReactHook

statesHook will decide which MVVM library state to return when requesting, alova currently provides VueHook, ReactHook, svelteHook.

In most cases, you should not use this function, but if you need to adapt to more MVVM libraries that alova does not support, you need to customize statesHook.

statesHook is an ordinary object that contains specific functions, but these basically do not involve algorithms, let's see how VueHook is written.

statesHook structure

statesHook is represented by an object, the following is an example of VueHook.

import { ref, watch, onUnmounted } from 'vue';

const VueHook = {
// state creation function
create: rawData => ref(data),

// state export function
export: state => state,

// dehydration function
dehydrate: state => state.value,

// Reactive state update function
update: (newVal, states) => {
Object.keys(newVal).forEach(key => {
states[key].value = newVal[key];

// request send control function
effectRequest({ handler, removeStates, saveStates, immediate, frontStates, watchingStates }) {
// Remove the corresponding state when the component is uninstalled

// When calling useRequest and useFetcher, watchingStates is undefined
if (!watchingStates) {

// When calling useWatcher, watchingStates is an array of states that need to be monitored
// When immediate is true, it means that the request needs to be sent immediately
watch(watchingStates, handler, { immediate });

Custom statesHook function description

All of the following 5 functions must be specified.


Responsive state creation function, loading, error, data, downloading, uploading, etc. are all created by calling this function, such as the vue3 project will be created as a ref value;


State export function, this function receives the responsive state created by the create function, and exports the final state for developers to use, where the state exported by VueHook is the original state;


Dehydration function, which means converting the responsive state into normal data, is the opposite operation to create, in updateState;


Responsive status update function, the status update maintained internally by alova is done through this function. This function receives two parameters, the first parameter is the new data object, and the second parameter is the map collection of the original responsive state, here you can write a fixed cycle to update states;


Request sending control function, it will execute this function immediately when useRequest, useWatcher, useFetcher are called, we need to complete three things in this function:

  1. When the current component is uninstalled, call the removeStates function to remove the responsive state involved in the current component to avoid memory overflow;
  2. When calling useWatcher, bind the state monitor, and call the sendRequest function when the state changes. You can use whether states is an array to judge whether useWatcher is called. At the same time, the immediate parameter is used to judge whether useWatcher is called Whether the request needs to be sent immediately;
  3. When calling useRequest and useFetcher, call sendRequest to send a request, at this time states is undefined;

If the library involved in statesHook is like react, the use hook of alova will be called every time it is re-rendered, then the saveStates function needs to be triggered every time it is re-rendered in effectRequest, this is because react Every re-render refreshes its state references, so we need to re-save them again.

ReactHook source code click here to view

statesHook type

If you want it to support typescript when customizing statesHook, you can click here to view