Next Generation Request Tool
Extremely streamline API integration workflow. Just one step
Automatically manage paging data, data preloading, reduce unnecessary data refresh, improve fluency by 300%, and reduce coding difficulty by 50%
usePagination((page, size) => totoList(page, size), {initialData: {total: 0,data: []},initialPage: 1,initialPageSize: 10})
send requests immediately by watching states changes, useful in tab switching and condition quering.
useWatcher(() => filterTodoList(page, keyword),[keyword, page],{debounce: [500, 0]})
Using it on important requests can improve their stability.
const res = await retry(alova.Post('/api/order'), {retry: 3,backoff: {delay: 1000,multiplier: 2}})
Limit the request rate within a certain period of time.
const limit = createRateLimiter({points: 4,duration: 60 * 1000})const orderRes = await limit(alova.Get('/api/order'))
Preload data to display view faster, or re-fetch data across components.
const { fetching, error, fetch } = useFetcher()fetch(getTodoDetail)
Global interceptor that supports silent token refresh, as well as providing unified management of token-based login, logout, token assignment and token refresh.
const { onAuthRequired, onResponseRefreshToken } = createServerTokenAuthentication({refreshTokenOnError: {isExpired: res => res.status === 401,refrshTokenOnError: async () => {const { token, refresh_token } = await refreshToken()localStorage.setItem('token', token)localStorage.setItem('refresh_token', refresh_token)}}})const alovaInstance = createAlova({beforeRequest: onAuthRequired(),responded: onResponseRefreshToken()})
Automatically manage form data, it allow you implement quickly various of forms.
Automatically refresh data through the events of browser, always display the newest data.

Request libs like fetch and axios make requests very simple, react-query and swr further reduce the template code of requests. But what alova aims to do is to provide extreme API consumption efficiency, eliminating almost all of your request work and achieving more efficient Client-Server data interaction.

I'm loving this library and slowly migrating my code from Axios to Alova.

Alova is really meticulous. When I read the documents, every point was a pain point and solved many problems.

The alovajs is nice. I plan to switch our products to alovajs uniformly