Parallel Request
Use method
Since method is a PromiseLike instance, to send parallel requests through method, you only need to use Promise.all
to wait.
const [todoList, todoCounter] = await Promise.all[(todoListGetter, todoCountGetter)];
Use useRequest
For simple parallel requests, you only need to call multiple useRequests at the same time.
const { data: todoList } = useRequest(todoListGetter);
const { data: todoCounter } = useRequest(todoCountGetter);
However, such requests are only applicable to simple parallel requests. If you need to perform some operations after all parallel requests are completed, there are two ways to achieve it:
Method 1
Manually create a promise object and use Promise.all
to complete the effect.
const {
data: todoList,
onSuccess: onListSuccess,
onError: onListError
} = useRequest(todoListGetter);
const {
data: todoCounter,
onSuccess: onCountSuccess,
onError: onCountError
} = useRequest(todoCountGetter);
// Manually create a promise object
const listPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const countPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const [listEvent, countEvent] = await Promise.all([listPromise, countPromise]);
// Parallel requests completed, continue processing business...
Method 2
Use the send
function returned by the useRequest
function. Calling send
will return a usable promise object.
// First, let them not automatically send requests
const { send: sendList } = useRequest(todoListGetter, { immediate: false });
const { send: sendCount } = useRequest(todoCountGetter, { immediate: false });
// Use the promise object returned by the send function
const parallelRequest = async () => {
const [listResponse, countResponse] = await Promise.all([sendList(), sendCount()]);
// Parallel requests completed, continue processing business...