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Version: v3

Serial Request

Use method

Since method is a PromiseLike instance, you can use await to wait for the request to succeed.

const todoList = await todoListGetter;
const todoDetail = await todoDetailGetter(todoList[0].id);

Use useRequest

Serial requests also have two modes.

Method 1

Let the first request be automatically sent, and the second request is triggered in the onSuccess callback of the first request to complete the serial request. The serial request can be completed by writing as follows:

const { data: todoList, onSuccess } = useRequest(todoListGetter);
const { data: todoDetail, send: sendTodoDetail } = useRequest(
todoId => todoDetailGetter(todoId),
{ immediate: false }

// Get the list first, then get the details of the first todo
onSuccess(event => {

Method 2

Use the send function returned by the useRequest function. Calling send will return a usable promise object.

// First, let them not automatically send requests
const { send: sendList } = useRequest(todoListGetter, { immediate: false });
const { send: sendTodoDetail } = useRequest(todoId => todoDetailGetter(todoId), {
immediate: false

// Use the promise object returned by the send function
const serialRequest = async () => {
const todoList = await sendList();
const todoDetail = await sendTodoDetail(todoList[0].id);
// Serial request completed, continue processing business...